Sermons - Ezekiel
Listen to sermons by our Pastor
01-21-18 - Ezekiel 1 A vision of the glory of God. |
01-28-18 - Ezekiel 2:1-3:15 Serving God when it's difficult. |
02-04-18 - Ezekiel 3:16-27 The call to be a watchman. |
02-11-18 - Ezekiel 4-5 God's judgment against his people who forsake him. |
02-18-18 - Ezekiel 6-7 The emptiness of idolatry. |
02-25-18 - Ezekiel 8-10 God's presence departs. |
03-04-18 - Ezekiel 11 Our hope is in God renewing our hearts. |
03-11-18 - Ezekiel 12 What it means to go into exile. |
03-18-18 - Ezekiel 13 Warning against false teachers. |
04-15-18 - Ezekiel 14 The problem of our idolatrous hearts. |
04-22-18 - Ezekiel 15 God can take what is useless and make it useful. |
04-29-18 - Ezekiel 16:1-14 God's initiating love. |
05-06-18 - Ezekiel 16:15-34 God's spurned love. |
05-13-18 - Ezekiel 16:35-52 God's jealous love. |
05-20-18 - Ezekiel 16:53-63 God's unending love. |
05-27-18 - Ezekiel 17 The kingdom of the Messiah. |
06-03-18 - Ezekiel 18 The penalty of sin is death, but God desires for us to turn from sin and live. |
06-10-18 - Ezekiel 19 Why we can't put all our hope in human leaders. |
06-17-18 - Ezekiel 20 God does all things for his glory. |
06-24-18 - Ezekiel 21-22 God is looking for someone to stand in the gap. |
07-15-18 - Ezekiel 23 A graphic portrayal of sin. |
07-22-18 - Ezekiel 24 Israel's worst nightmare comes true. |
10-07-18 - Ezekiel 25 God's judgment against the nations. |
10-14-18 - Ezekiel 26-27 Store up treasures in heaven. |
10-21-18 - Ezekiel 28 The pride of the King of Tyre. |
10-28-18 - Ezekiel 29:1-30:19 God's rule over rulers. |
11-04-18 - Ezekiel 30:20-32:32 Ezekiel's tour of the afterlife. |
11-11-18 - Ezekiel 33 Repentance leads to life. |
11-18-18 - Ezekiel 34 God's care for his sheep. |
11-25-18 - Ezekiel 35:1-36:15 God's salvation is given, not earned. |
12-16-18 - Ezekiel 36:16-38 God gives new hearts. |
12-23-18 - Ezekiel 37:1-14 God brings dry bones to life. |
01-06-19 - Ezekiel 37:15-28 The church glorifies God by its unity. |
01-13-19 - Ezekiel 38-39 God defeats his enemies at the end of time. |
01-20-19 - Ezekiel 40-42 Guest speaker Kenny Hilliard on God's new temple. |
02-03-19 - Ezekiel 43:1-12 God's presence comes to dwell with his people. |
02-10-19 - Ezekiel 43:13-46:24 The good life in the future. |
02-17-19 - Ezekiel 47:1-12 The river of life. |
02-24-19 - Ezekiel 47:13-48:35 God keeps his covenant promise. |